Last week I had an opening at Hyde Park Bar & Grill and Amplify Credit Union . Both were lovely, different work all together but it was very fun to see the work up and on display. I am very forturnate to have such loyal and supportive friends and family come to cheer me on. I have met new collectors, new supporters and really appreciate the great feedback. I don't get the opportunity to answer questions about my work so that is new to me & fun to think about. My dear friend Payson drove in from Dallas and he always encourages me and it made me question this morning my next " art plan". I will be working next week back at Lighcrafters-thank goodness we are busy again and on a memory book for my sons 6th grade graduation class. These are my immediate priorities . Terry Powell and i will be working on some 3-D folk art pieces when he returns from his show and that will be allot of fun. I am a bit exhausted to say the least but will look forward making some new goals soon.